About the courses

Customized Courses
(JLPT Preparation Courses, etc.)

We also offer customized courses to meet the needs of companies. We will consult with you in advance, and a Japanese language education expert will create an optimal course for the best learning results.
※Please note that customized lessons are only offered to corporate customers.

●JLPT Preparation Courses(N1-N5)

We offer JLPT preparation courses from N1 to N5 tailored to each student’s level. Our instructors are firmly committed to supporting students through our one-on-one lessons so they can pass the exam.

JLPT Preparation Course(N2)Examples of 50-lesson courses

  • ■Level: Intermediate
  • ■Lesson contents: comprehensive lesson materials from the basics to the full scope of the N2 exam.

  • ■Textbooks used(examples)
  • ①『Pataan betsu tettei doriru JLPT N2』ALC ¥2,420
  • ②『Nihongo nouryoku shaken suupaa moshi N2』 ALC ¥2,640
  • ③『Reberu appu toreening bunpou N2』 ALC ¥1,980
  • ④『Kanarazu dekiru JLPT N2 dokkai』 ALC ¥1,980
  • ⑤『Kikutan nihongo nihongonouryokushiken N2』 ALC ¥2,200

The fees will vary depending on the number of lessons and the textbook used. If you have any specific requests, please feel free to contact us.

●Business Email Correction Course

We offer a Business Email Correction Course for those who have taken the Business Email Course (10 lessons). In this course, the student will read situations that are often encountered in business. The student will then compose internal/external emails and receive corrections/feedback from the instructor.

  • ■ Level: Upper-intermediate to advanced
  • ■ Course length: 6 months
  • ■Not face-to-face(assignments will be submitted and returned online)
  • ■ Number of assignments corrected: 5 assignments x 2 submissions(ten submissions total with instructor’s feedback)
  • ■ Tuition: \66,000 (tax included)※Includes textbooks and online fees

  • ●Lesson Contents
  • The five assignments are submitted twice. By rewriting the email for the same task, you will develop the ability to create reader-friendly, easy-to-comprehend business emails that sound natural.

  • ●Lesson Flow
  • Email writing task
    (1st draft)
    Instructor feedback
    (1st draft)
    Email Writing Task
    (2nd draft)
    Instructor feedback and score assignment
    (2nd draft)

Please feel free to contact us if you would like to change your level or receive face-to-face feedback from the instructor(s).

●Japanese Courses for Executives

We offer courses that meet your needs, from Japanese necessary for daily conversation, work-related presentations and speeches, to Japanese that is used when visiting customers. Our instructors have a wealth of business experience, so we can offer tailored solutions and support accordingly.

The above are examples. In addition, we have a track record of providing more than 80 customized courses for sales staff, hospitality staff, researchers and engineers. Please feel free to contact us.

  • Price table

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